Announcement: A Proven Wellbeing System For Feeling Great & Looking Good
How To Kick Start Improvements To Your Physical, Mental & Emotional Wellbeing… Without Turning Into A Health Freak Or Gym Bunny
You probably don’t need to be told about the benefits of taking care of your health and fitness.
You’re bombarded by hundreds of messages daily telling you about the latest superfood, the current exercise fad or what foods NOT to eat.
So if that’s the case, then why are you here?
I’m guessing it’s because you don’t know where to start.
You know you’ve got to do something… you’re just not sure what.
It’s a common problem so let me point you in the right direction.
Hi, I'm Celynn Morin
I am a registered Dietitian with the Health Care and Professionals Council (HCPC), a member of the British Dietetic Association (BDA) and have received a fellowship award from the Professional Speakers Association (PSA UK).
As an experienced Wellbeing Consultant, I work with leaders, executives and professionals just like you across a wide range of industries.
These are busy people who in between the stress and uncertainty of juggling all their work and home commitments have asked themselves questions like:
- Why am I always tired?
- Why can’t I sleep?
- Why am I eating like crazy?
- What on earth is going on with my body?
Well, I coach people like them, and their teams, to greater wellbeing by making small and simple lifestyle tweaks ANYONE can make.
By changing just a few things for them they get more health, more vitality and bundles of extra energy.
The approach I take combines my love of food, my love of life, and dietetics as a proactive wellness approach to empower people to make better lifestyle choices.
My “raison d’etre” is to enrich the quality of people’s lives by inspiring them to take better care of their wellbeing… in a way that is celebratory and sustainable over the long term.
Here’s how I do that.
Back in 2006, after five years in clinical practice as a dietician and having the opportunity to do more group education in the workplace, I developed a framework called the Wellculator™.
This is a science backed approach to highlighting the key lifestyle habits you need to put in place to ensure a strong foundation for holistic wellbeing.
Since then, after working with thousands of professionals and busy people, just like you, I’ve evolved it into my 7 Part Wellculator™ Wellbeing System.
Here's what that consists of...

Part 1 - The Wellculator™ Assessment & Fundamentals Video Course
- Your comprehensive lifestyle assessment that analyses the 10 key behaviours that affect your level of Wellbeing and Wellness so you know EXACTLY what your starting point is AND what you need to do to improve it.
- These behaviours are:
Strategic Refuelling for Energy & Health
Eating Like An Artist For Gut Health
Mindful Living & Eating
Hydration & Rethinking Drinks
Know Your Health Numbers
Intentional Rest & Sleep
Mental Fitness & A Positive Mindset
Activate During Your Work Day
Intentional & Intuitive Exercise
Awareness & Regulation of Stress - This Is A step-by-step hand-holding video walkthrough that explains exactly how to complete and interpret the Wellculator™ assessment so you can be sure of accurate and informative results. It consists of 10 punchy five minute videos packed full of research backed guidance and practical tips you can immediately apply.
- For example, here are just some of the things you’ll discover in this compact but highly relevant video course:
- A simple yet extremely powerful 4 step process for taking any new Wellbeing and Wellness behaviour and turning it into a lifelong habit so radiant health and vibrant energy becomes your new normal.
- How to strategically plan your “nourishment pit stops” so you can maintain and sustain high levels of energy throughout your busy day without overeating or dealing with uncomfortable hunger pangs.
- What food types and meal plans to choose so you optimise your gut health and create a solid foundation for radiant health and vitality. [HINT - this is where many of the “fad diets” get it so wrong.]
- The perils of “portion distortion” - what happens when you get this wrong and what you MUST do instead to avoid stressing and straining your gut to avoid bloating, indigestion and embarrassing and unwanted gas.
- A detailed action plan to fine tune and optimise each of your 10 Lifestyle Domains to guarantee getting one step closer to your ideal levels of health and vitality.

Part 2 - A 49-page Wellbeing System Manual
This is packed full of research-based guidance to improve how your body and mind feel including:
- How to find exactly the right eating regime to meet YOUR Wellbeing and Wellness goals that perfectly suits YOUR current health status, YOUR current emotional set point and YOUR lifestyle demands. No more inappropriate fad diets for you.
- A clever way to turn comfort eating on its head so you only ever eat food that’s good for you at a time that’s right for you.
- A unique approach to eating that puts your gut first and simplifies how you choose what to eat so much that deciding what to eat becomes easy and FUN and so you get it right EVERY time.
- How you can quickly and easily introduce mindfulness into your meals so you can say “Goodbye” to forcing food down your throat under the pressure of time and say “Hello” to the peace and tranquility of digestion friendly eating.
- An 8 step, easy to implement plan to rapidly shift the water content of your body to its ideal level so you eliminate the headache, fatigue and hunger symptoms of being dehydrated. [BONUS - includes a simple dehydration test you can do anytime AND how to work out EXACTLY how much fluid you need to consume].
- Guidance on which 3 of your health numbers you absolutely MUST know and MUST monitor for you to keep on track to achieving and maintaining optimum health and vitality.
- The one vitally important health target not met by 33% of working adults, and what you can do to make sure YOU meet it. [WARNING - A 2016 Harvard Medical School study identified this deficiency as the new “Silent KIller”].
- The secret yet surprisingly simple daily mindset shift you can make that will dramatically improve your health AND profoundly affect the quality of your life.
- 6 steps to keep working hard, but stay working healthy. How to keep pace with the rigorous demands of your profession, but healthily stay on top of the demands of your work instead of letting them grind you down.
- The Training Triangle - the three components of an effective exercise routine that will keep you strong, flexible and mobile while maintaining a healthy and injury free approach to working out. [SIDE BENEFIT - exercise actually becomes fun and enjoyable and something you WANT to do every day when you learn to balance it in this way].
- The profoundly simple “ABC Method” for monitoring, measuring and managing your stress levels so you can replace anxiety with calm and relaxation even in the most demanding of circumstances.
- How to set up your new Wellbeing and Wellness regime for success so your approach to a healthy lifestyle builds at your pace, compounds and becomes permanent and long lasting. [BONUS - includes the development of “Realistic Optimism” - the only mindset approach proven to help you achieve ANY goal you set yourself]

Part 3 - Smarter Snacking - Strategic Refuelling
Your guide to maintaining your energy levels by eating the right amounts of the right food at exactly the right time. It includes
- The two essential ingredient types every health-optimised snack should have for the ideal balance between nutritional value, energy AND tasting great.
- A handy directory of food types that contain either essential ingredient type to save you hours in food aisles examining food labels or days at your computer Googling “what food contains….”
- A quick “pick and mix” Snack-Combo Generator that creates healthy, tasty nutritionally optimised snacks in seconds. [WARNING - these snacks are so yummy, your kids will start wanting them too!].
- The 21 step plan to turn your kitchen from a “Food Factory” churning out unhealthy foodstuffs into a “Health Haven” producing tasty and nutritionally sound meals personalised to your own individual Wellbeing and Wellness requirements.

Part 4 - Eat Like an Artist
A radical three step system to eating healthily by taking Mother Nature's lead. This includes:
- The simple test ANYONE can perform instantly to determine how closely aligned your meals are to what Nature intended to be for great health and energy.
- How to become “Kitchen Confident” and create nourishing, tasty and health optimised meals quickly and easily without having to train as a professional chef or qualify as a dietician or nutritionist.
- 7 different meal types you can quickly and easily create to bring variety and vibrancy to your dining table so the things you eat are interesting, delicious and ultimately really, really good for you.
- The often overlooked source of “bio-actives” that you probably already have sitting at the back of your kitchen cupboard that you can start using immediately to add a nutritional boost to your meals.
- The Rainbow Shopping List - A timesaving guide to what you should be putting in your shopping basket every time you go to the supermarket for your weekly shop.

Part 5 - Smarter Meals - Time Saving Meal Ideas
- How to create a healthy balanced breakfast to get your day off to the perfect start and fuel you up ready for the busy day ahead using my proven “Mix & Match Breakfast System”. [BONUS - includes 6 delicious breakfast recipes you can put together in 7 minutes or less]
- How to make delicious and ridiculously healthy smoothies you can quickly put together with even the most basic of kitchen blender [BONUS - Includes the hidden nutritionally rich ingredient type most popular smoothie recipes overlook].
- How to create your own assembly line of nutritionally rich and sumptuous tasty meals so every time you sit down for lunch or dinner you KNOW you’re eating a perfect meal to support your Wellbeing and Wellness.
- 13 principles of food preparation for creating healthy and tasty meals you can take to work so you can “dodge the stodge” they serve in the work canteen and avoid spending your hard earned money on gluten rich, sugar laden meal deals.
- How to use “The Plate Test” to check how closely the meals you have to eat but didn’t prepare align to the health principles that now shape your eating habits. This will give you peace of mind you’re still in control of your diet AND give you the option to say no to avoid eating something not good for you.

Part 6 - Sleep Central - How To Get The Best Night's Sleep Of Your Life EVERY Night
In our 24/7 world the biggest casualty of our all day every day interconnectivity is our sleep pattern. In this unique guide to sleeping better you’ll get:
- The 4 Phases of Sleep Preparation to guarantee you get your best night’s sleep ever. [HINT - this preparation starts much earlier in the day than you probably think. This point alone surprises many].
- 8 things you can do during your day that will ease the burden on your nocturnal subconscious regeneration and rejuvenation activities so you sleep even better than normal.
- How to use your primary senses to ensure you sleep deeply and soundly EVERY night.
- What you absolutely must AVOID doing in the last 2 hours before you retire to your bed if you ever want to sleep soundly again.

Part 7 - Finding Your Digital Sweet Spot
Too many people think Wellbeing and Wellness is just about diet and exercise. Well there is much more to it than that and this guide gets to the bottom of one of the biggest mental health challenges facing busy professionals.
- How your smartphone stimulates the brain’s feel good chemicals in the WRONG way leading to a hidden but unhealthy addiction that fools you into FEELING you are doing the right thing.
- The simple 6 Step Self Social Media Check with clear pass/fail criteria that reveals whether you are addicted to social media
- The 8 Step Digital Detox that leaves you feeling calm, refreshed, relaxed and alert for longer periods during your busy day.
The Wellculator™ Wellbeing System works really well.
I’ve shared it with thousands of busy, stressed out professionals and senior executives over the last 15 years. I have seen it work time and time again. Of course, I would say that, so don’t just listen to me when I tell you how effective this is.
Here’s what just some of my many happy customers and clients say about me, my work and the impact it's had:
“Celynn is engaging, passionate and knowledgeable. Her messages are well delivered, and she has the ability to help individuals make that leap from common knowledge to common practice.”
Gordon Hall
Peer Group Chair, Vistage
“Many [of my members] have credited Celynn with life transformations, as well as providing tools and techniques for health, nutrition, resilience and general wellbeing. She is both tireless and selfless in her desire to help others.”
Laura Gordon
Chair with Vistage International (UK) Ltd
“Celynn is 100% authentic and inspires people to be realistic and practical in setting manageable goals over a sensible time frame. She encourages participants to firstly become aware of their habits, then to adapt according to their lifestyle”
Sue Haynes
Bidvest Academy
“Celynn gave us tools that make an immediate difference to our health and wellbeing while also providing essential insight into longer-term changes that we all need to strive towards. Her emphasis on small sustainable steps was spot on. The group thoroughly enjoyed the session and have immediately responded to the ideas and seen immediate benefit - highly recommended!”
David Hipkin
Vistage Chair
“Employee wellbeing is something I hold very close to my heart. It has been an incredibly challenging time for everyone at C&I, but I would like to personally thank you for everything you’ve done for me and for my colleagues. It definitely helped me through a challenging personal year in 2021. I know it’s your job, but you should be very proud of what you do.”
Ian Jones
Managing Director at Care & Independence Limited and Board Member at British Healthcare Trades Association
“Celynn presented at our most recent Vistage day and it was truly brilliant and very timely too. We got some very useful tips on how to listen to our own bodies and small changes we can make to improve our overall wellbeing. Didn't feel like we were being lectured at all, just some very sensible advice and easy small changes we can all do that make a big difference!”
Petya Shay
“I joined an online call hosted by Celynn Morin on how to get a better night's sleep. Have suffered with insomnia for years and lately feel lucky if I get 6 hours. Thought I knew all the techniques…but Celynn made me look at it a different way….Result? Best night's sleep I've had for ages, 7 hours and I feel so refreshed. If this good sleep continues (I'm sure it will) I will be able to say that Celynn has changed my life, and in such a good way.”
Jennie Gillam
“Working with Celynn is a joy, when she delivers her FAB Quotient workshop she is engaging, energetic and hugely knowledgeable. Celynn has a way of making the principles of well being and resilience accessible and immediately applicable. Celynn encourages those she works with to identify what needs to change and how to make those changes habits that really stick and do make a difference. I highly recommend Celynn.”
Ian Price
Executive Coach
“I have seen Celynn present on a number of occasions over the past 10 years. Not only is her nutritional advice of the highest standard, she is also an entertaining and energetic speaker and a walking example of what she teaches. In particular she shows how easy it is for business people on the move to avoid junk food and expanding waistlines by opting for healthier, life extending nutritional options. Celynn may be just the tonic your company needs!”
Paul De Toit
Author, Presentation Skills & Speech Coach
"Just wanted to thank you for your presentation last week. I have fully embraced everything you mentioned and completely changed my eating habits and routine. I have to say the results are incredible!! Thanks!!
Neil Gallant
Neutronic Technologies
“I found the session extremely informative and helpful and I have already started making changes to my routines, sleeping arrangements and eating habits and I am feeling the benefit already (NWS the lack of sleep due to a new born!)”
Dave Paterson
Corporate Lawyer
The 7-Part Wellculator™ Wellbeing System is definitely for you, especially if:
- You’re looking to reverse the ravages of being a busy professional doing demanding work for more hours that you’re happy with.
- You’ve put your health and wellbeing further down your priority list than you should have, for longer than you’ll admit.
- You know you can’t leave doing something about the state of your health any longer.
- You’re really worried that if you DON’T do something now, it might be too late for you.
- You want to kick start your wellbeing to feel better about yourself, get more energy and start doing more of the things that make you happy.
- You just want a simple but powerful Wellbeing and Wellness system you can begin applying quickly and easily.
If that’s you, then I recommend you invest in the system right now. Now if you were to buy each of the components of the system separately, here’s what it would cost you:
- Part 1 - The Wellculator™ Assessment & Fundamentals Video Course (Value £99.99)
- Part 2 - A 49 page Wellbeing System Manual (Value £49.99)
- Part 3 - Smarter Snacking - Strategic Refuelling (Value £19.99)
- Part 4 - Eat Like An Artist (Value £9.99)
- Part 5 - Smarter Meals - Time Saving Meal Ideas (Value £9.99)
- Part 6 - Sleep Central (Value £14.99)
- Part 7 - Finding Your Digital Sweet Spot (Value £4.99)
Total £209.93
However, for a limited time only, I’m going to give you an 80% off deal and let you have the entire system for...
just £39.99
If you get your copy of the system today, I’m also going to give you access to these three amazing bonuses:

Bonus 1
Life Membership Of The Foodie Fun Forum (Value £99.00 per year)
Every week you’ll get one of my Foodie Fun recipes. They have 5 ingredients or less, are high in fibre, low in sugar, wheat free and are simple and quick to make. They will help you “eat like an artist” and they taste great too. Not only that, you’ll save hours over agonising what to eat.

Bonus 2
How To Get A Great Night’s Sleep Masterclass (Value £297.00)
Watch a recording of a private, invitation only masterclass I did for a select group of stressed out executives about getting a great night’s sleep. Follow along as you discover what gets in the way of you sleeping better and more importantly, the step by step actions you can take to overcome them.

Bonus 3
My “Getting Beyond Burnout” Masterclass (Value £297.00)
Get a sneak peak at a behind closed doors session I did with a group of busy professionals about how they can avoid burnout AND what they can do if they find themselves struggling to cope with their workload. If you’re overworked and on the verge of struggling to cope, you’ll want to watch this.
These bonuses are available for a limited time, so I recommend you act now to avoid missing out.
So, let me just recap what you’ll get when you invest in The 7 Part Wellculator™ Wellbeing System:
- Part 1 - The Wellculator™ Assessment & Fundamentals Video Course (Value £99.99)
- Part 2 - A 49 page Wellbeing System Manual (Value £49.99)
- Part 3 - Smarter Snacking - Strategic Refuelling (Value £19.99)
- Part 4 - Eat Like An Artist (Value £9.99)
- Part 5 - Smarter Meals - Time Saving Meal Ideas (Value £9.99)
- Part 6 - Sleep Central (Value £14.99)
- Part 7 - Finding Your Digital Sweet Spot (Value £4.99)
- Bonus 1 - Life Membership Of The Foodie Fun Forum (Value £99.00)
- Bonus 2 - How To Get A Great Night’s Sleep Masterclass (Value £297.00)
- Bonus 3 - My “Getting Beyond Burnout” Masterclass (Value £297.00)
Total Value £902.93
But you won’t have to pay £902.93!
Here’s why:
My life’s mission is to bring Wellbeing and Wellness to as many people as I possibly can. To do that, I want to make this valuable life-changing information available at an affordable price.
So instead of charging you thousands of pounds it would cost you for me to come and work with you one on one, I am going to share The 7 Part Wellculator™ Wellbeing System (value £209.93) plus your bonuses (valued at £693.00) for...
just £39.99
It’s an absolute steal at this price, especially if you compare it against how much you’d value having better mental, physical and emotional health.
But before you decide, let me take all the risk with my 30-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee! If you are not 100% satisfied with the Wellculator™ Wellbeing System within the first 30 days, then simply send me an email, and I’ll refund your purchase in full, no questions asked.

So to get yourself started on energising your health and vitality right now, get your copy of The 7 Part Wellculator™ Wellbeing System (and your 3 bonuses) for just ÂŁ39.99 by clicking the button below. Â
I look forward to helping you on your journey to even better health and mental well being.Â
Celynn Morin, your Wellbeing Whisperer
P.S. If you can’t decide whether to take up this amazing offer, ask yourself this question: “If not now, then when?” Putting off a simple, potentially life changing decision like this might cost you more than you realise in the long run.Â