Improve Your Team's Mental Health and Wellbeing

Book Celynn to present her SANTÉ keynote for your event


Joyfulness. Celebration. Exhilaration.

These are all words that can be associated with sparkling wine. This alliance between happiness and that recognisable champagne flute is the basis for “Santé - Celebrating Wellbeing”. It is an intertwining of the effervescence of sparkling wine, and the effervescence of life.

Effervescence is not just a word to describe the bubbles in your drink. It is also a metaphor for vibrance, liveliness, and a carefree spirit. Just as effervescence is not just a word for carbonation, “Santé - Celebrating Wellness” is not just another presentation. It is change. It is transformation. It is a journey from before to after, with the goal being increased productivity, true authentic smiles, and a life filled with sparkle.

Using the process and symbolic attributes of making sparkling wine as a metaphor for the transformative power of wellbeing, this session guides participants towards that sparkling future. During times of global uncertainty, there has never been a greater need for the pursuit of joy and celebration.

This innovative presentation creates space in one's life for joy, connection, revitalization and wellbeing. With “Santé - Celebrating Wellbeing”, just like the bubbles in your glass, elevate your spirit, and allow yourself to rise to meet your future.


Joy! Why bother to create more? 

Multiple scientific studies show that people with more eudaimonic happiness are...

  • Reaping the benefits of a more positive outlook – improved creativity, stronger relationships, increased energy and better health
  • More productive both professionally and in their personal lives 

  • More effective in leadership roles by building confidence and motivation

  • Benefitting from a stronger support system by building meaningful connections

  • More resilient both physically, spiritually and emotionally – learning to grow through adversity

  • More likely to have fulfilling romantic relationships and optimised social connections

    More likely to experience healthier immune systems, and even live longer

An Incredible & Transformational Speaker!

"Having had Celynn present a variety of outstanding sessions over the years I feel the time has come to highlight what an incredible, and transformational speaker, presenter and coach she is. Her depth of knowledge, wisdom and expertise in whatever she is presenting on never fails to impress. Many have credited her with life transformations, as well as providing tools and techniques for health, nutrition, resilience and general wellbeing. She is both tireless and selfless in her desire to help others. I cannot recommend her highly enough and look forward to many more years of working together."

Laura Gordon

Expert. Engaging. Actionable!

"In January 2024, I invited Celynn back to talk with one of my business leader peer groups. This was the 5th time Celynn has presented to my groups - a record for any speaker working with me. This should be no surprise as Celynn is such an expert in the world of wellness and nutrition, and has a very engaging delivery style. By the end of each session, I find I have taken copious notes, have several highly actionable actions and the motivation to implement. It is no exaggeration to say that Celynn has improved the health and wellbeing of myself and my members."

David Harding

What does sparkling wine have to do with wellbeing?

Workplace Culture

  • Psychological Safety - Sparkling wine requires a protective environment in which to thrive. Workplaces that adopt this mentality and value creativity will see increases in performance, satisfaction and engagement.

  • Resilience and Renewal - Workplaces must weather the storm, learning to thrive under pressure, much like a vineyard must adapt to different conditions. Promoting resilience through practical holistic health practices is essential.

  • Leadership and Wellbeing - Leaders should strive to celebrate joy and wellbeing, acting as a Chief Effervescent Officer, which will enhance the workplace culture.

Mental and Emotional Wellbeing

  • Necessary Pressures - Precision when pressing grapes for sparkling wine is of vital importance for extracting the highest quality juice, as is effective stress management, which will extract higher productivity and positivity.

  • Effervescence as Vitality - the liveliness and vibrancy that workplace culture greatly benefits from can be related to that same effervescence in your glass of Champagne, Cava or Prosecco, and the vibrancy you feel while drinking it.

  • Celebration, Gratitude, and Recognition - Recognising and celebrating the achievements and ideas of employees is vital for morale and motivation, much like the celebration that ensues at the popping of a cork.

Physical Wellbeing

  • Nourishing Foundations - grapevine health is deeply important to the quality of sparkling wine. The same way they require adequate nutrition, hydration, sunlight and general physical health, so do we.

  • Soil Health and Gut Flora - A healthy gut contributes to overall physical and mental health, in much the same way that healthy soil and foundations are crucial to the overall health of grapevines.

  • Rest and Rejuvenation - We need a rest period much like the one in the winemaking process, it is necessary for emotional wellbeing. Sustaining effervescence requires strong boundaries and downtime.

Meaning and Purpose

  • Mindful Celebration - Savour and appreciate life's moments, the same way you would savour your glass of sparkling wine. Create ‘champagne moments’ - with or without the beverage.

  • Balancing and Integrating - The blending process in winemaking has similarities with finding a work-life balance – achieved through self-awareness and self-regulation.

  • Adding Sweetness - enriching life and wellbeing through the incorporation of hobbies, creativity and passion is not dissimilar to the process of dosing sparkling wine to achieve a quality flavour.

Participants Will Learn

How to become their own CEO – Chief Effervescent Officer – and sustain a positive outlook and renew their energy.

  • Opportunity to discover more about how the metaphor of sparkling wine making applies to health and wellbeing.
  • How to be self-aware about your stress levels and developing strategies for coping with them.
  • Apply the ‘seasons’ framework to manage better work life balance and integration.
  • Cultivate a culture of celebration and appreciation of ‘champagne moments’ that contribute to sustained health and wellbeing.

Refer to the content samples below. These can be presented as a three 60-90 minute online sessions or a half day in person immersive event. 


 Santé Programme Options

It is time to begin a conversation about employee wellbeing, optimising mental health, and celebrating wellness. Curiosity and creativity should be cultivated to promote personal growth, boost morale, enhance emotional intelligence, and encourage resilience. Here's  how you can work with me to elevate your team's Wellbeing:

Keynote Presentations

In person or virtual (45-90 minutes)

Half-Day Masterclass

In person or virtual (approximately 3 hours)

Full-Day Retreat

In person only (full day)

Book Celynn for your Event

Become your own CEO – Chief Effervescent Officer – and discover celebration, curiosity and connection

Cherishing and nurturing your wellbeing will allow you to discover how to create a flourishing personal and professional life. If an employee's ideas are as well received and celebrated as the popping of the cork on that bottle that’s been saved for the latest lavish affair, then they will be far more likely to know they are in a safe workplace, where their enthusiasm will be both encouraged and nurtured. Don’t put a cork in it; strengthen and embolden your leadership skills through the magic of enhanced wellbeing.

Refer to the content samples below. These can be presented as a three 60-90 minute online sessions or a half day in person immersive event.


The Vine: Growing roots, soaking up the sun and ripening

  • VINE: Honour your heritage and roots. Recognise personal 'red flags' that indicate rising stress levels and develop strategies to address these signs before they impact overall health and productivity.
  • TERROIR: Enhance your gut health in three easy steps and learn how you can contribute to the healing of the Earth’s microbiome.
  • NATURE, SEASONS & CYCLES: Utilise the natural elements - air, fire, water, earth, as a holistic wellbeing strategy. Apply the 'seasons' framework to manage energy throughout the day, ensuring a restorative sleep pattern and a more vibrant, awake state during work hours. Understand your natural cycles and how to balance masculine and feminine energy across various timescales: daily, weekly, monthly, annually, and throughout different life stages.

Part 2

The Bottle: Encapsulate your unique essence through balance, rest and masterful receiving 

  • PRESSING, BALANCING, BLENDING & REST:  Evaluate how to achieve the best balance for all aspects of your life through improved self-awareness and setting clear boundaries. Understand the difference between doing enough and overexerting to exhaustion. Identify the optimal amount of pressure needed to extract the best juice from your life. We will explore how strategic rest builds strength and resilience through stillness, silence, and solitude.

  • LA PRISE DE MOUSSE: Discover the most magical step in the alchemy of sparkling wine making—how to capture your sparkle and remain your very own CEO—Chief Effervescent Officer. Using the metaphor of the wine lees we will explore what you need to mindfully accept, masterfully receive and what to release.

  • BOTTLING, LABELLING & IDENTITY: Define the identity you wish to portray as an adult, parent, leader, or community member. Become clear on what you stand for and why.


The Cork - Celebrating meaningful moments together

  • CELEBRATION, MIDLIFE MEANING & COMMUNION: Choose gratitude, grace, and joy in a world of despair. Find your calm amidst the chaos. Discover what provides you with fulfilment. Explore your personal purpose and how to experience more joie de vivre, freedom, and vitality at this phase of your life. Master the art of authentic relating and gathering during these AI (artificially intimate) and technology-driven times.
  • EFFERVESCENCE & EROS: Become your own Chief Effervescent Officer by embracing lightness, acceptance, and a deeper understanding of the quantum field. Identify your inspiration and muse. Live a more pleasurable life through the senses, arts, poetry, and music.
  • TRANSFORMATION & INTEGRATION: Understand the transformative power of rituals and transitions to mark the passing of time. Learn how to create champagne moments anywhere, any time. Learn how balancing the feminine and masculine energies within us all can contribute to our healing and aliveness.

Watch Celynn speaking about Santé

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 Here’s Why I’m Able To Deliver Such Popular and Impactful Presentations 

Professional Speaker

  • I have spoken hundreds of times to thousands of people from organisations and companies across all sectors on 3 different continents.
  • I’m a Certified Speaking Professional (Fellow of the Professional Speaking Association in the UK) ) which means I am internationally recognised and acknowledged to be at the highest level in the speaking profession.
  • I have been a Professional Member of the Professional Speakers Association in South Africa and the UK for over a decade.
  • I’ve been awarded an Outperformer Speaker Award, Vistage UK, 3 times

Here are just some of the organisations I have spoken for:
CloudFM; H&M; KPMG; Octopus Energy; Vistage UK; Pernod Ricard; Reckitt; Bidvest; Standard Bank; Ooni Pizza Ovens; DR Wakefield Coffee; InterCity, Exel Group; Orsted; Institute of Water; Sickkids Foundation; AC Group Travel; Property Academy; Avignon; Alltruck; Eccrebo; Jagex; Evora; CBRE

Author & Thought Leader

  • I am the co-author of two books on health and wellbeing - Fast Food for Sustained Energy (Nb Pub Ltd 2013) and The FAB Quotient™ (CreateSpace Independent Publishing 2015).
  • I have a Corporate Wellbeing Consultant accreditation from Vitality.
  • I’m a Certified Master Practitioner for The Healing Hub.
  • I’m a HeartMath accredited coach.
  • I am a Certified Embodied Facilitator/Coach.
  • I have a certification in Culinary Genomics for Clinicians which is the art of using food to reduce the primary causes of chronic disease and accelerated aging.
  • I’ve completed the Neuroscience Professional Development course approved by British Psychological Society.
  • I’ve been a regular expert contributor for various media channels.
  • I was the Weight Loss Coach for Longevity magazine.

Registered Dietitian

  • I am a qualified dietitian with a Bachelor in Dietetics (Cum laude) from University of Pretoria in South Africa.
  • I’m a full member of the British Dietetic Association.
  • I’ve been consulting private clients as a dietitian in private practice since 2000.

Celynn, your contribution to the leaders I work with has been invaluable – many still mention our morning with you at Beaulieu in the New Forest many years ago. Those three hours created a ripple of positive change that continues. Any team aiming to be world class can move closer to that standard by engaging with you.

Ben Wales (Founder, Leader&Team)

J'ai été ravie que Celynn organise le Team Building de rentrée pour l'équipe AYA Partners. Sur le thème "Santé ! Celebrate your wellbeing" et de la vinification champenoise, elle a su nous sensibiliser à nos équilibres professionnel, personnel et émotionnel. Ses partages d'expérience et ses tips ont été une révélation pour plusieurs d'entre nous: Une ne prend plus de somnifères et dort comme un bébé et les jeunes ont repris le sport et s'y tiennent. Surtout, nous sommes tous Chief Effervescent Officers! Son suivi en micro capsules vient rappeler les objectifs que nous nous sommes fixés, redonne les moyens d'y parvenir simplement. Merci Celynn pour cette énergie positive et cette inspiration partagée.

Virginie Lagrange (Founding Partner, AYA Partners)

We were fortunate to welcome Celynn as our guest speaker at our Management Day. She spoke passionately on the subject of wellbeing with a fresh and thoroughly consumable approach to deliver a fantastic session, which was regarded very positively by the team. The session had every single member of the team thinking differently about their wellbeing. I genuinely think that Celynn may have changed the way that the whole team think about their wellbeing for good, which I know that Celynn will regard as "mission accomplished". Highly recommended.

Paul Blackaby (CEO, SAMBRO)

 Santé Programme Options

It is time to begin a conversation about employee wellbeing, optimising mental health, and celebrating wellness. Curiosity and creativity should be cultivated to promote personal growth, boost morale, enhance emotional intelligence, and encourage resilience. Here's  how you can work with me to elevate your team's Wellbeing:

Keynote Presentations

In person or virtual (45-90 minutes)

Half-Day Masterclass

In person or virtual (approximately 3 hours)

Full-Day Retreat

In person only (full day)

Book Celynn for your Event